My Own I Fansite
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My Own I

My Own I is a band based out of Houston Texas.They are a band that has a new style of rock and super charged music. The band is an alternative rock band that kicks some total ass!.  M.O.I's first full length CD, titled 'Epidemic', will be out soon. (EP) rumored to be out in august. :).So what ever you do keep your eyes pealed, many believe My Own I, will be  on their way out of Houston and worldwide soon! 

personal likes

I "matt" the webmaster of this site, started this site, becuase I really believe that My Own I will hit it big and could be very well be huge stars soon enough. Their music = totally cool, their vibe = wonderful, the fact that they have a cello player =  amazing, strings in music totally rocks!. My Own I also has a myspace link :) , check it out at

Each band member is amazing in their own way and very talented, so intersested? check em' out! Show your support on either this site's guestbook or M.O.I official website!


check out their biography's @

You can also go to their official website at

band members

Tab ~ ~ ~vocals

Zak Saker ~ ~ ~ lead guitar

Jason March ~ ~ ~ bass guitar

Matt Wende' ~ ~ ~ side guitar

Jermey March ~ ~ ~ drums

Colter Ray ~ ~ ~ cello

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merchandise for MyOwnI